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Situation Report: Hungary, 30 November 1989, 1989-11-30; HU OSA 300-8-47:27/1-17; Situation Reports; Publications Department; Records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute; Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest
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HU OSA 300-8-47:27/1-17
General Information
Situation Report: Hungary, 30 November 1989
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Not Restricted
Form / Genre
Bulletins, Reports
Contents Summary
- Constitutional Amendments Strengthen Civil Rights, Pave Way for Multiparty System
- Constitutional Amendments Strengthen Civil Rights, Pave Way for Multiparty System / by Edith Oltay
- National Assembly Adopts Electoral Law and Law on Political Parties / by Judith Pataki
- Foreign Reactions to October's Party Congress / by Zoltan Barany
- The Democratic Forum's Second National Congress / by Zoltan Barany
- The Democratic Forum's Economic Program / by Karoly Okolicsanyi
- The First Experiences of Privatization / by Karoly Okolicsanyi
- The Patriotic People's Front: Looking for a Mission / by Karoly Okolicsanyi
- Federation of Young Democrats Holds Second National Congress / by Judith Pataki
- National Assembly Adopts Electoral Law and Law on Political Parties
- Foreign Reactions to October's Party Congress
- The Democratic Forum's Second National Congress
- The Democratic Forum's Economic Program
- The First Experiences of Privatization
- The Patriotic People's Front: Looking for a Mission
- Federation of Young Democrats Holds Second National Congress
- National Assembly Disbands Workers' Guard / by Judith Pataki
- National Assembly Disbands Workers' Guard
Barany, Zoltan D. (Author) | Markos Oltay, Edit (Author) | Pataki, Judith (Author) | Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty |
Spatial Coverage
Hungary |
HU OSA 300Records of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute
HU OSA 300-8Publications Department
HU OSA 300-8-47Situation Reports
HU OSA 300-8-47:27Archival boxes #27