Science and technology of our days. Presenter Leonid Vladimirov and Evgeny Muslin
A selection of articles in News Week magazine on the topic of the technical backwardness of the USSR
Langdon Crane, Science Coordination Specialist, Congressional Research Service. On the organization of the scientific process in the USA.
Francis Pounce, director of the Graduate School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The principle of selecting candidates for managers, students from the USSR.
Nina Voronel. About informal scientific seminars in Moscow
Science and technology of our days. Presenter Leonid Vladimirov and Evgeny Muslin
A selection of articles in News Week magazine on the topic of the technical backwardness of the USSR
Langdon Crane, Science Coordination Specialist, Congressional Research Service. On the organization of the scientific process in the USA.
Francis Pounce, director of the Graduate School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The principle of selecting candidates for managers, students from the USSR.
Nina Voronel. About informal scientific seminars in Moscow