abolitionism; Bolivia; Brazil; forced labor; human trafficking; Palermo Protocol; Quilombos; slavery; Development; History; Sociology and Political Science; Political Science and International Relations
Abstract :
[en] In this article, we are dealing with human trafficking for reasons of labor exploitation. For us, it is important to look at the historicity of the reality of unfree labor, which for Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa, mostly means its connection to chattel slavery, the illegalization of unfree labor, and the development of the legal term of human trafficking and the introduction of laws against it. In looking at where today’s legal, social, and political reality is coming from, we are also able to deepen our critique of today’s law and its application.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
HARNONCOURT, Julia ; University of Luxembourg > Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary History of Luxembourg
Paredes, Miguel; the University of Vienna, Austria
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