This repository contains all BAS resources that have
been made accessible for academic users within the CLARIN
The repository contains speech corpora and other resources. The smallest unit described by metadata is the recording session;
therefore the smallest searchable and downloadable resource part is a complete recording session with media and annotation
In general, access to contents of this repository is free for European academic users; for some resources
special restrictions may apply.
Non-academic users may obtain a user license from BAS which grants an access code to selected resources of this repository
(contact for details).
If you want to link this page, please use the URL
You are not yet authorized to have access to the BAS repository. Click here to login either via your academic institution or via your CLARIN IDP account. If you are not an academic, or if your academic institution is not part of the DFN-AAI, you can register here to get a CLARIN IDP account. Please read our privacy policies for AAI authentication.
This repository belongs to the Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals (BAS) hosted by the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing (IPS) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), Munich (MUN), Germany (GER). The repository has been set up within the Clarin-D project (funded by the BMBF)
Latest update: July 25th 2022
The Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (BAS) provides online access to speech resources and their metadata subject to the following Conditions of Use. The BAS may amend these Conditions of Use at any time by posting amended versions on this website.