Medical geographic anaysis of incidence and mortality from brain tumors in populations of Central Serbia in 1999-2010

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Nagy, Imre
Micić, Tanja
Lukić, Tin
Hrnjak, Ivana
Marković, Slobodan B.
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This paper gives an analysis of incidence and mortality from brain tumors in the population of Central Serbia during the period from 1999-2010. Using statistical methods it has been observed that mortality rates had increased for both, male and female population. The increasing trend of the incidence (new disease cases) has not been noticed. Among this, application of GIS software (Arc Map 10) was used in order to illustrate the spatial distribution of incidence and mortality from brain tumors in the observed populations. In case of male population, the highest concentration of new disease cases and deaths has been registered within Belgrade micro-region. Also, there is a higher concentration of the new cases and deaths in the western part of the analyzed region with comparison to the eastern part. When it comes to female population, high occurrence of new cases and deaths have been also registered within Belgrade micro-region. The higher occurrence of new cases among female population, detected in the western part of the Central Serbia region, does not represent the same tendency in the case of mortality. It has been noticed that most of the new cases (among both observed populations) are concentrated within areas of large urban centers: Belgrade, Niš and Kragujevac. Spatial distribution of the new cases affect the current health care system and the available medical technology in Serbia.
halandóság , agytumor , területi eloszlás , Szerbia , egészségügyi rendszer
Zbornik Radova Departmana za Geografiju Turizam i Hotelijerstvo 41: pp. 37-47. (2013)