How a dictatorship arises? How Fascism conquered a province, such as Salerno, where it was almost completely inexistent until the March on Rome? What changes it brought in social and political dynamics? These are the questions at the heart of this book. In Salerno, like in many other places of Southern Italy, Mussolini’s regime was «conformist». It represented, indeed, an adaptation of citizens and ruling class to the new political system after that it had come to power. But the Fascism of Salerno was also other: acting in a stage in which the mass society was more and more developed, it introduced many innovations in the political practice. The black shirts of Salerno, moreover, had to face one of the most prominent national representatives of anti-Fascism, Giovanni Amendola, who exercised a strong hegemony on the province and influenced their action. A further peculiarity was the heterogeneity of the socio-political dynamics, as the province included both industrial areas, where also agriculture was modern, and less developed zones, immersed in a backward rural dimension. These elements make particularly interesting the case of the province of Salerno in order to understand the dynamics which led to the collapse of the liberal system and to the emergence of the dictatorship.
Come nasce una dittatura? Come ha fatto il fascismo a conquistare una provincia dove prima della marcia su Roma era quasi inesistente? Quali cambiamenti ha apportato nella società e nelle dinamiche politiche salernitane? Sono queste le domande alle quali cerca di rispondere il presente volume. A Salerno, come in molte altre province meridionali, il regime fu «conformista». Rappresentò, infatti, un adeguamento della popolazione e della classe dirigente al nuovo sistema politico dopo che questo si era affermato. Ma il fascismo salernitano fu anche altro: operando in una fase in cui la società di massa si stava facendo strada sempre di piú, introdusse numerose innovazioni nella prassi politica. Le camicie nere di Salerno, del resto, dovettero confrontarsi con uno dei massimi esponenti nazionali dell’antifascismo, Giovanni Amendola, che esercitava una forte egemonia nella provincia e condizionò la loro azione. Ulteriore peculiarità della realtà salernitana consisteva nella eterogeneità delle dinamiche socio-politiche, giacché al suo interno vi erano sia aree industrializzate e dotate di un’agricoltura specializzata sia territori molto meno progrediti, immersi in un’arretrata dimensione rurale. Questi elementi fanno sì che il caso della provincia di Salerno sia particolarmente interessante per comprendere le dinamiche cha hanno permesso il crollo dello Stato liberale e l’instaurazione della dittatura.
Il fascismo conformista. La nascita del regime in provincia di Salerno (1920-1926)
How a dictatorship arises? How Fascism conquered a province, such as Salerno, where it was almost completely inexistent until the March on Rome? What changes it brought in social and political dynamics? These are the questions at the heart of this book. In Salerno, like in many other places of Southern Italy, Mussolini’s regime was «conformist». It represented, indeed, an adaptation of citizens and ruling class to the new political system after that it had come to power. But the Fascism of Salerno was also other: acting in a stage in which the mass society was more and more developed, it introduced many innovations in the political practice. The black shirts of Salerno, moreover, had to face one of the most prominent national representatives of anti-Fascism, Giovanni Amendola, who exercised a strong hegemony on the province and influenced their action. A further peculiarity was the heterogeneity of the socio-political dynamics, as the province included both industrial areas, where also agriculture was modern, and less developed zones, immersed in a backward rural dimension. These elements make particularly interesting the case of the province of Salerno in order to understand the dynamics which led to the collapse of the liberal system and to the emergence of the dictatorship.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.