A short review of alpha activity In cognitive processes and in cognitive impairment

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Güntekin, Bahar

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Elsevier Science Bv, Po Box 211, 1000 Ae Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Aim of the report: In the companion report (Basar, this volume), the physiological fundaments of alpha activity in integrative brain function are described. The present report is a review of the significant role of alpha activity in memory and cognitive processes in healthy subjects, and in cognitive impairment. The role of neurotransmitters is also described, briefly, in this context. Towards an understanding of brain alpha: Despite numerous experimental studies, it is indicated that the presented results are only appropriate to establish an ensemble of reasonings and suggestions for analyzing "alphas" in the whole brain. In turn, in the near future, these reasonings and suggestions may serve (or are indispensable to serve) as fundaments of more general and tenable hypotheses on the genesis and function of "alphas". (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights



EEG, Alpha, Evoked Alpha, Event Related Alpha, Event Related Oscillations, Memory, Cognitive İmpairment, Emotion, Pre-Stimulus Alpha, Alzheimer's Disease, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Evoked Coherences, Event Related Coherences, Event-Related Potentials, Mild Alzheimers-Disease, Short-Term-Memory, Evoked-Potentials, Brain Oscillations, Working-Memory, Resting EEG, Neurocognitive Networks, Frequency Oscillations, Uyarılmış Alfa, Olaya İlişkin Alfa, Olaya İlişkin Salınımlar, Bellek, Kognitif Bozukluk, Duygu, Ön-uyaran Alfa, Alzheimer Hastalığı, Bipolar Bozukluk, Şizofreni, Uyarılmış Eşdurum, Olaya İlişkin Eşdurum, Olaya İlişkin Potansiyeller, Hafif Alzheimer Hastalık, Kısa Süreli Hafıza, Uyarılmış Potansiyeller, Beyin Salınımlar, Çalışan Bellek, İstirahat EEG'si, Bilişsel Ağlar, Frekanslı Salınımlar
