Visualizing Family, Gender Relations and the Body


Studio portrait of the married couple Radka and Krastyo Krastev

Description:Vignetted medium close-up shot of a woman and a man in urban clothes. The woman is facing the man.
Comment:Krastyo Kotev Krastev and his wife Radka Krasteva. Krastyo Kotev Krastev (1866 - 1919), commonly known as Dr. Krastev, was a Bulgarian writer, translator, philosopher and public figure. He was most notably Bulgaria's first professional literary critic. Krastev became headmaster of the Kazanlak pedagogical school (1888 – 1890) and then a teacher of logic, psychology and ethics at the First Sofia High School for Boys (1890 – 1891). He was a lecturer in philosophy at Sofia University (1895 – 1896, 1899 – 1907, 1908 – 1919). In 1898 he became correspondent member of the Bulgarian Literary Society (renamed "Bulgarian Academy of Sciences" in 1911) and a full member in 1900. Krastev was an influential member of the modernist "Misal" (Thought) circle and editor in chief of the literary "Misal" magazine.
Date:Not before 1892
Country: Bulgaria
Creator:Karastoyanov, Ivan Anastasov, (Court photographer)
Dimensions:Artefact: 162mm x 106mm
Image: 141mm x 99mm
Technique:Not specified
Keywords:150 Behavior Processes and Personality > 156 Social Personality
290 Clothing
550 Individuation and Mobility > 551 Personal Names
530 Arts > 5310 Verbal Arts
540 Commercialized Entertainment > 544 Public Lectures
660 Political Behavior
650 Government Activities > 658 Public Education
870 Education
590 Familiy > 594 Nuclear Family
810 Science and Humanities
Copyright:Научен архив на Българската академия на науките
Archive:Scientific Archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Inv. No.: Ф. 47К, оп. 1, а.е. 313-7
License:This picture is licensed under Creative Commons [CC BY-NC-ND 3.0]
Editor:Anelia Kassabova