Visualizing Family, Gender Relations and the Body

Universität Graz
University of Basel

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Group portrait of officers and teachers from the Military School in Sofia

Description:Full length studio shot of a group of nine men: in the first row two men in military uniforms with swords, and two men in plain city clothes are seated. Behind them four men in military uniforms and a man in a suit are standing. A painted canvas backdrop is creating the illusion of the scene being set in a lounge.
Comment:Verso: hand-written inscription with the date and the names of all in Bulgarian, made by one of the photographed - Adam Trnka (1888 - 1946).
Country: Bulgaria
Creator:Karastoyanov, Ivan Anastasov, (Court photographer)
Dimensions:Artefact: 173mm x 216mm
Image: 90mm x 122mm
Format:Not specified
Technique:Not specified
Keywords:290 Clothing
300 Adornment
570 Interpersonal Relations
700 Armed Forces
710 Military Technology > 714 Uniform and Accouterment
870 Education
Copyright:Национална Библиотека "Св. св. Кирил и Методий"
Archive:St. Cyril and St. Methodius National Library, Inv. No.: C III 1332
License:This picture is licensed under Creative Commons [CC BY-NC-ND 3.0]
Editor:Anelia Kassabova