< BackLIDO version"Aus Bad Neuhaus (Steiermark)"

LocationDobrna (Bad Neuhaus)
Description Photograph of a man standing on the porch of a house in Dobrna with broken windows and an overgrown garden.
CommentThis postcard was created from a photograph by an amateur photographer. A solidarity stamp from Verein Deutscher Ärzte in Österreich is affixed to the verso.
ProducerG.W. Gessmann, Graz
Datesent not before 1913
Dimensions9x14 cm
Language: TitleGerman
Language: MessageGerman
National Context
Keywords5311 Visual Arts > 530 Arts
Region sent toAustrian Littoral
Archive/CollectionCollection POLOS, 19
CopyrightCollection POLOS
LizenzCC-BY-NC 4.0
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