< BackLIDO version"Gruss aus FRIEDAU a./Drau. Stadt von Croatien gesehen. Stadt Friedau. Hauptplatz rechte Seite. Hauptplatz linke Seite."

LocationOrmož (Friedau)
Description Four tinted images of Ormož: two images of the main square from different directions, a panorama from above, a view from the Croatian side of the Drava River.
CommentThe message on the recto includes the word jako instead of the standard Slovene zelo.
ProducerOttmar Zieher, München
Datesent 1899-1905
Dimensions9x14 cm
Language: TitleGerman
Language: MessageLanguage contact
Transcription of the postcard’s message
[message]: […]Danes v Ormožu / pri materi - nekaj / bolši - ali vender / še jako slabi. / Srčne pozdrave / Pepca
Keywords361 Settlement Patterns > 360 Settlements
Region sent toStyria
Archive/CollectionAdmont, Sammlung Florian Kinnast, Steiermark IV
LizenzCC-BY-NC 4.0
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