標題: Fully Cu-metallized III-V group compound semiconductor device with palladium/germanium/copper ohmic contact system
作者: CHANG, Edward Yi
Chen, Ke-Shian
公開日期: 6-八月-2009
摘要: The present invention discloses a fully Cu-metallized III-V group compound semiconductor device, wherein the fully Cu-metallized of a III-V group compound semiconductor device is realized via using an N-type gallium arsenide ohmic contact metal layer formed of a palladium/germanium/copper composite metal layer, a P-type gallium arsenide ohmic contact metal layer formed of a platinum/titanium/platinum/copper composite metal layer, and interconnect metals formed of a titanium/platinum/copper composite metal layer. Thereby, the fabrication cost of III-V group compound semiconductor devices can be greatly reduced, and the performance of III-V group compound semiconductor devices can be greatly promoted. Besides, the heat-dissipation effect can also be increased, and the electric impedance can also be reduced.
官方說明文件#: H01L029/732
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105504
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20090194846


  1. 20090194846.pdf

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