標題: 不同聯盟型態之下經濟誘因與信任之相對重要性研究-以台灣清涼飲料産業爲例
A Study on Relative Importance of Economic Incentive and Partner's Trust under Different Type of Strategic Alliances-An Example of Taiwan Soft Drinks Industry
作者: 林隆儀
Long-Yi Lin
Ing-San Hwang
Ching-Sung Wu
Department of Management Science
關鍵字: 外包;策略聯盟;策略聯盟型態;經濟誘因;信任;outsourcing;strategic alliance;types of strategic alliance;economic incentive;trust
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究旨在探討廠商決定採行策略聯盟,在既定聯盟形態下,考量策略聰明決策因素時,經濟誘因與信任的相對重要性是否有差異?本文採用兩種研究方法,每一部份採用個案研究法,發現台灣清涼飲料産業的策略聯盟可分爲生産契約型Ⅰ、生産契約型 Ⅱ、配銷協定型 、産品線延伸型 、品牌授權型等五種形態。第二部份採用郵寄問卷訪問法,研究發現,採用生産契約型Ⅰ與生産契約型Ⅱ策略聯盟的廠商,在考量策略聯盟決策因素的重要性時,經濟誘因的重要性高於聯盟夥伴的信任;採用配銷協定型與品牌授權型策略聯盟的廠商,在考量策略聯盟決策因素的重要性時,聯盟夥伴信任的重要性高於經濟誘因。採用産品線延伸型型與品牌授權型策略聯盟的廠商,在考量策略聯盟決策因素的重要性時,聯盟夥伴社會關係的重要性高於經濟誘因。
This essay explore whether the difference exist between relative importance of economic incentive and partner’s trust under different types of strategic alliance. This essay can be divided into two parts. The first part is the case study, the result was that there are five types of strategic alliances existing in the Taiwan soft drinks industry, hereinafter referred to as “Production Contract I”, “Production Contract II”, “Distribution Agreement”, “Product Extension” and “Brand Authorization”. A mail survey approach was used in the second part, resulting in the following findings: Companies, which chose “Production Contract I” and “Production Contract II” considered economic incentive more important than alliance partners’ trust. Companies, which chose “Distribution Agreement”, determined alliance partners’ trust more important than economic incentive. Companies, which chose “Product Extension” and “Brand Authorization”, considered alliance partners’ social relationship more important than economic incentive.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/129002
期刊: 交大管理學報
Chiao Da Mangement Review
Volume: 2
起始頁: 1
結束頁: 36


  1. 2004120136.pdf

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