標題: 激勵制度對管理階層人員留任意願的影響-以某家族企業為例
The Influence of Motivation on Intention to Stay of Managerial Employees - A Case Study of a Family-owned Company
作者: 唐雯郁
Tang, Wen-Yu
關鍵字: 家族企業;激勵制度;留任意願;family-owned company;motivation;intention to stay
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在一個極度競爭的時代,公司一直努力試圖維持永續經營才足以維持長久的競爭力。為了達成這個目標,員工是公司最重要的資產。故檢視能真正有效強化員工留任意願的激勵因子是非常重要的課題。過去幾十年來,台灣大多數的企業皆為家族企業,而此類型的企業對台灣的經濟發展扮演著關鍵性的角色。隨著公司的規模變大,加上家族企業的階層結構,管理階層員工的重要性也隨之增加。此研究主要討論家族企業需如何透過有效的激勵因此鼓勵員工留任,並探討管理階層的員工如何受到這些因子的影響。 本研究透過個別訪談的形式進行質化調查,從四位不同位階的管理者的角度探究激勵制度與留任意願之間的關聯性,研究結果顯示由激勵及保健因子所產生的滿意度皆可激勵並且強化這些管理者的留任意願;訓練是重要的保健因子,不僅能鼓勵也能滿足這些管理者,進而產生成就感;而各別因子是影響他們評價公司激勵制度的另一個可能要素。
In such an extremely competitive era like nowadays, companies have been trying hard to stay sustainable so that they are capable to compete with others continuously. Employees are the most essential element for companies to achieve this goal. As the result, examining motivation factors which could really enhance employees’ intention to stay is a remarkably important issue to investigate.For decades in Taiwan, the majority of enterprises are family-owned companies, which play a critical role in Taiwan’s economic development. As the company keeps growing with increasing scope, managerial employees become more and more important due to the complexity of structure and hierarchy coming along with company’s growing. This study aims at discussing how family-owned companies encourage managerial employees’ retention by providing effective motivation factors, and how managerial employees are influenced by those factors. The qualitative approach is applied to investigate the correlation between managerial employees’ motivation and intention to stay, and four managerial employees at different level were interviewed separately. The results revealed that managerial employees’ intention to stay could be enhanced through satisfaction which results from both hygiene and motivation factors, and certain factors were proved to build strong motivation and intention to stay.Also, training is an essential hygiene factor to encourage and satisfy those employees, which leads to their sense of achievement. Individual factor is another possible element to influence their perspectives and evaluation of companies’ motivation system.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353014