標題: 即時通訊社群網路之創新商業模式
A New Business Model of Instant Messaging Social Network
作者: 陳豪欽
Chen, Hao-Chin
Wu, Muh-Cherng
關鍵字: 即時通訊;社群平台;商業模式;Instant Messaging;Community Platform;Business Model
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究擬發展一個全新的混合式(hybrid)即時通訊(Instant Messaging, IM)社群平台,並分析如何以新的服務模式創造收益。即時通訊社群(簡稱IM社群)平台已成為國人通訊的重要管道,譬如Line、Facebook Messenger、WeChat,這些平台都是免費的,目標客戶是一般的消費者。最近許多業者推出企業IM社群通訊平台,強調安全、保密、公私分明等特點,這種平台採收費機制,目標客群是企業用戶。目前市場上尚無第三種模式能兼具此二者的特性與優點,因此本研究擬提出一個混合式IM社群平台的發展藍圖,藍圖內容包括:混合式IM社群通訊平台之優點與特性分析、目標市場與客戶分析、服務模式與系統運作架構、競爭者資訊分析、收益流解構、商業模式九宮格解構。
This research attempts to develop a new instant messaging (IM) community platform, and investigate the service model for creating revenues. Some IM community platforms (for example, Line, Facebook Messenger, and Wechat) are operated on a no-charge-service business model. Taking consumers as target customers, these no-charge IM platforms make revenue mainly from advertisement and do not charge consumers for using IM services. In contrast, some IM platforms are designed to target at enterprise users. These platforms operate on a charge-service business model due to its competing advantage in keeping business information security. These two types of IM platforms (no-charge-service and charge-service) have distinct competing features. Up to date, no IM platform could comprehensively cover the distinct competing features of these two platforms. Therefore, this study aims to sketch a roadmap for developing a hybrid IM platform which integrates the competing features of the two existing platforms. The tasks for sketching the roadmap include product (platform) feature analysis, target customer analysis, service model and system operation architecture, competitor analysis, revenue flow analysis, and business model canvas.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463028