標題: Direct and indirect factors affecting emissions of cars and motorcycles in Taiwan
作者: Chiou, Yu-Chiun
Chen, Tai-Chieh
運輸與物流管理系 註:原交通所+運管所
Department of Transportation and Logistics Management
關鍵字: emissions;structural equation modelling;car;motorcycle
公開日期: 2010
摘要: This article proposes Direct Correlation (DC) models and Integrated Correlation (IC) models for cars and motorcycles emissions, respectively. The DC models regress emissions on vehicle-related variables (i.e. direct factors), while the IC models further account for such variables (i.e. indirect factors) as driver/rider demographics, vehicle mileages travelled and regional types by using structural equation modelling. Results show that vehicle characteristics are the most influencing factors affecting hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions. The old vehicles with small engine, manual transmission, high cumulative mileages travelled, using unleaded gasoline #92 and 2-stroke engine (for motorcycle) can be identified as 'high-emitting' vehicles. The second most influencing construct is the driver/rider demographics. The aged, male, low-educated car drivers and motorcyclists with high income and long driving/riding experience tend to use high-emitting vehicles.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/18628
ISSN: 1812-8602
DOI: 10.1080/18128600903168108
Volume: 6
Issue: 3
起始頁: 215
結束頁: 233


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