標題: 行動電話高頻元件產品創新與未來應用趨勢之分析
The Product Innovation of Mobile Phone Radio Chipset and its Marketing Application Trend Analysis
作者: 蘇正年
Douglas F S Lin
關鍵字: 高頻元件;創新;Mobile Phone Radio Chipset;Innovation
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 行動電話手機高頻元件產品的開發設計上,所投入之資金及人力 都相當的龐大,對於整個行動產業的發展影響尤其深遠。因此本論文 探討行動電話手機目前市場的應用及未來發展的趨勢,分析行動電話 產業中高頻元件產品創新的來源及創新的策略性角色,以及在高頻 元件創新的過程中,應加以考量的階段性發展過程。從分析的過程中 確定高頻元件的創新方向為:使行動電話手機走向輕薄短小,低耗電 量,較長的待機時間,多頻多模多功能,使用介面友善方便,高整合 性及符合共同通訊平台規格需求的高頻元件。
In the design and development of the “mobile phone radio chipset product”, large amounts of capital and human resource are invested, which has profound impact on the developing of mobile phone industry. The study is to discuss the applications of mobile phones at present and the developing trends in the future. An analysis of the innovative sources and its strategic development of the mobile phone radio chipset products are also put forward in this study. The innovation of the mobile phone radio chipset products leads to smaller size handset, lower power consumption, longer due time, multi-frequency and multi-module function, friendly interface, high integration, and meeting the need of common communication platform criteria.