標題: 在無線隨意網路中的金鑰管理方法之調查
Key Management Solutions in MANET
作者: 洪上洸
Shang-Guang Hung
關鍵字: 無線隨意網路;金鑰管理;分散式憑證管理中心;自我發行憑證;合成式金鑰管理;卵石網路;MANET;Key Management;Distributed CA;Self Issued Certificate;Composite Key Management;Pebblenets
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本篇論文專注於隨意網路中的安全問題。因為隨意網路的一些特性使得安全問題是個很大的挑戰。最主要的原因是隨意網路缺乏基礎建設,例如:路由器和一些可靠的通訊連結,而且也缺乏提供使用者註冊、發行憑證及處理其他網路設定等管理或組織上的基礎建設。另一個原因則是隨意網路中的節點可以快速的移動,也就是節點進入網路或離開網路的頻率相當高。 要在隨意網路中提供安全的各種服務,最主要的問題即為如何管理一些保護資料或身分的金鑰。為了設計實用且有效的金鑰管理方法,本篇論文介紹隨意網路的各種特性和說明傳統的金鑰管理方法為什麼不適合用在隨意網路中,並且整理和比較到目前為止的各種金鑰管理方法。
This thesis covers the issue of securing ad hoc networks. Such networks exhibit a number of characteristics that make such a task challenging. One of the major challenges is that ad hoc networks typically lack a fixed infrastructure both in form of physical infrastructure such as routers, servers, and stable communication links and in the form of an organizational or administrative infrastructure. Another difficulty lies in the highly dynamic nature of ad hoc networks since new nodes can join and leave the network at any time. The major problem in providing security services in such infrastructure less networks is how to manage the cryptographic keys that are needed. In order to design practical and efficient key management systems it is necessary to understand the characteristics of ad hoc networks and why traditional key management systems cannot be used. These issues are covered and the thesis also provides a summary of those key management solutions that have been proposed in the research literature so far.