標題: 外牆鐵捲門颱風災損因應改善之研究----以科技廠房為例
The Research Regarding the Amendment of Outer Wall Roller Shutter’s Damages Caused by Typhoons---Technical Fab as Example.
作者: 林文環
Wen-Hwan Lin
陳 春 盛
Chun-Sung Chen
關鍵字: 捲門構件破壞分析;捲門之抗風壓應力計算;捲門颱風災損;roller shutter wind pressure resistance stress calculation;, the roller shutter of Typhoon resistance;roller shutter Component Failure Analysis
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 科技廠房為因應大量建廠設備需在短暫工期之內建置完成,因此在外牆適當位置會設置開口供吊裝上述機具、材料。使用鐵捲門建造成本較鋼板門便宜、安裝簡易且較不佔空間,操作快速、簡易是其ㄧ大優點。目前在台灣地區之工廠,尤其是科技廠房使用非常普遍。但是台灣地處亞熱帶,颱風是威脅臺灣最嚴重之自然災害之一,2005年1月至10月之間有3個颱風侵襲台中地區,造成中科規模頗大之某大科技廠房外牆鐵捲門重大損壞,廠房內部生產設備岌岌可危。 本研究蒐集各大科技園區廠房外牆鐵捲門之颱風災損資料,作災損統計、構件破壞分析,研究捲門颱風災損改善方式包含颱風災損緊急處理對策及短期補強方式;研究結論如下: 一、 門軌須埋入混凝土牆柱內,其牢固性較獨立折曲成型式門軌強度高,門軌不會變形、不會脫落。 二、 門軌內之防颱勾條,採用一體成型者比電焊組裝型的,有絕對性的優勢,不會脫離門軌。 三、 門片之防颱鈎,厚度要足夠,約4.5mm~6.0mm;其安裝間距以每跳一門片就有一防颱鈎片最好,可提高抗風性能。 四、 門片與門片間之聯結,採用無門耳式,其抗風壓強度較強,門片不易散脫。 五、 門片材質改用2.3mm厚之鍍鋅鋼板取代1.5mm厚之不□鋼板,其抗風壓強度更強而且造價更低。 六、 建築物位處地況C或B,淨寬五米以上之捲門,建議加設防颱支柱,可彈性伸縮捲門淨寬,操作容易,抗風壓效果最好。
Typhoon is the most serious natural disaster that threatens Taiwan. During the period from January to October, 2005, three typhoons pounded Taichung, which resulted in serlous damages on outer wall roller shutter of one of the largest scale technical fab of in Central Taiwan Science Park. Production equipments are therefore in great risk. In order to study how to improve the performance of the roller shuttle’s to resistance to typhoon, we collect data of damages of the outer wall roller shuttle ruined by typhoons. Statistical data together with structure failure report are then analyzed, and ways of improvement will be proposed. Further approach is based on theoretical analysis of the roller shutter. Both wind pressure stress analysis and improvement techniques are studied. Starting from the survey of commonly used roller shutter, we compare the thickness, material, and size, and detail components of different brands, and finally propose resolutions for the roller shuttle to withstand and resist the wind pressure of typhoon. The future study will be focused on pursuing a permanent resolution for the roller shutter, which is, namely, the “automatic backbone” research and development for protection from typhoon. Automatic backbone is the most economic and effective way of improving the performance which provide best protection from typhoon impact. The present study has completed the first product testing and review, and has proposed the “best” solution for the outer wall roller shutter of technical fab.