標題: 職場微粒分徑採樣之評估研究
Research on the Evalutation of Size-Classified Sampling of Particles in the Workplace
作者: 蔡春進
C. J. Tsai
關鍵字: 可呼吸性;採樣;分徑;respirable;sampling;size-classified
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本計畫目的在於改良並驗證一個可以採集工作場所三種粉塵的三階粒狀物採樣器的原型。本研究除了於實驗室中進行微粒的收集效率實驗,並也將於工作現場與現有的TSI Respicon採樣器進行比對。採集的粉塵也將進行化學分析研究,以了解PUF介質於儀器分析的可行性。
This project aims at modifying and certifying a prototype 3-stage dust sampler for sampling three kinds of particulate masses in the workplace. The research will conduct the laboratory experiments for particle collection efficiency so that ACGIH sampling criteria for thoracic particulate mass can be matched under the conditions of proper porosity of the PUF substrate and proper jet-to-plate distance. The metallic content in the particles collected by the PUF substrate will also be analyyzed to confirm the feasibility of chemical analysis.
官方說明文件#: IOSH94-A102
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/90773


  1. RRPG95020223.pdf

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