標題: 鋼骨鋼筋混凝土高溫材料性質之研究
作者: 陳誠直
Chen, Cheng-Chih
關鍵字: 鋼骨鋼筋混凝土;比熱;熱傳導係數;高溫應力應變曲線;specific heat;steel reinforced concrete;thermal conductivity;stress-strain curve in elevated temperature
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 火災閃燃發生後,現場溫度約高於600°C,此時梁柱構件因高溫而導致強度與勁度折減,此時複合構件承載能力倘無法承受外加荷重,可能造成建築整體或局部崩塌,至救災人員受困或無法搶救傷者,可知溫度分布對材料本身力學性質因高溫而造成的殺傷力。因SRC斷面熱傳速率直接影響後續之結構火害中之行為,於不同火害加熱面下(如二面受熱-角邊梁柱、三面受熱-邊梁與邊柱等),其溫度場之分佈差異,易造成不對稱之結構變形,更甚者提早產生破壞。因此,規劃進行高溫所造成材料性質變化,包含材料之熱傳導特性、比熱、高溫應力應變行為等有其必要性。 本研究預期成果如下: 一、 配合現行國內建築技術規則與規範常用之SRC構造,發展SRC構件火害過程中斷面熱傳評估模式。 二、 鋼骨鋼筋混凝土材料耐火性規範與檢測基準建立,包含下列量化指標: (a) 材料高溫特性(熱傳導係數、比熱)與鋼高溫材料應力與應變曲線 (b) SRC火害結構設計材料性質(鋼材、混凝土與鋼筋)3種以上之試驗標準草案。 三、 建立本土化SRC建築結構材料之火害性質 四 、建構常用構造火害行為模式,進而研修適合國內現行法規採用之規範或標準,以供性能化法規與設計需求,作為研發結構火害後修復技術之參考。 預期效益:提高SRC建築物防火安全要求與性能防火設計驗證基準本土化。
The elevated temperature occurred inside the structural building due to the fire will cause the decrease of the strength and stiffness of the structural members. While the structural members do not have adequate strength due to the elevated temperature, the structures will be severely damaged or eventually collapse. Moreover, the temperature distribution due to the fire has significant effect on the structural members. Uneven temperature distribution may cause unsymmetrical deformation of the structural members. Therefore, the study for the structural materials subjected to elevated temperature, including the thermal conductivity, specific heat, and stress-strain curve, is necessary. Prospective goals of this project are as follows. 1. To develop the model of temperature distribution in the cross section of the steel reinforced concrete member. 2. To establish the standard of fire proof for steel reinforced concrete materials, including (a) thermal behavior such as thermal conductivity and specific heat, and stress-strain curve for steel, and (b) draft for test the materials used in the steel reinforced concrete structures. 3. To establish the thermal behavior of materials used in the steel reinforced concrete structures. 4. To develop the model of behavior for the structure subjected to fire, further to propose a draft of standard or test method to be adopted in this country to fulfill the requirement of performance design, and finally to provide information for retrofitting for structures damaged due to fire.
官方說明文件#: 100301070000G1002
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98946


  1. RRPG100010197.pdf

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