標題: 檢視造成學業低成就國中生之危險因子: 一前瞻性研究用以解決學生瀕臨學業成就失敗的議題(I)
Examining the Risk Factors for Low-Achieving Junior High School Students: a Prospective Study to Address the Issue of Students at Risk of Academic Failure
作者: 吳俊育
Wu Jiun-Yu
關鍵字: 閱讀素養;態度;自信;ICT可得性;reading literacy;computer attitude;computer confidence;availability of ICT
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 隨著資訊電腦科技的盛行,閱讀素養的定義也隨之演進,需同時包涵線上文本閱讀及紙本文本閱讀。本研究從人們內在對資訊電腦科技的信心及態度,以及外在資訊電腦科技設備的客觀條件出發,利用統計裡的中介模型,來探究以上變項對紙本文本閱讀及線上電子文本閱讀成就之間的關聯。本研究使用PISA2009資料庫,樣本為來自世界各國42個區域的297295名十五歲的青少年(49.6%為男性)。內在的資訊電腦科技狀態包含了學生對電腦的態度,以及執行高階資訊電腦科技任務的信心。外在的資訊電腦科技狀態包含了家中以及學校裡資訊電腦科技設備的豐沛程度。中介模型裡的間接效果顯示,內外在資訊電腦科技變項的效果可以透過線上閱讀活動來影響閱讀素養,則學生使用電腦的態度愈正面,執行高階電腦任務的信心愈高;及家中資訊電腦科技設備愈豐沛的話,學生的閱讀素養也愈高;研究發現家中資訊電腦科技設備對2009的PISA閱讀素養有直接且負面的影響。
With the prevalence of ICT, the concept of reading literacy has evolved to encompass both online reading and printed texts. This study clarifies the relationship between reading printed texts and online electronic texts from the perspective of individual differences in the inner and outer phases of ICT in a partial mediation model. We used the PISA 2009 data with 297,295 fifteen-year-old students (49.6% males) across 42 regions. The inner state of ICT represents students’ attitude toward computers and confidence in high-level ICT tasks, whereas the outer state of ICT represents students’ access to ICT facilities at home or school. The indirect results showed students’ reading literacy improved with better attitude toward computers, confidence, and ICT availability at home, as long as the effect was mediated through engagement in online reading activities, even though availability of ICT at home had a direct and negative impact on PISA 2009 reading literacy.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2410-H009-057
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99220