標題: 海象即時性資訊檢核及管理機制之建置研究
System Development of real-time data quality and management of oceanographic measurements
作者: 張憲國
關鍵字: 即時資料檢核;資料品質管理;波浪統計;Real-time data inspection;data quality control;Wave Statistics
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本計畫將分為三部分進行,第一部份應用高雄港現有波浪實測資料進行波高及週期的基本統計特性、最適之機率分布函數及波浪統計波譜進行分析。第二部分則針對已發展的高雄港颱風波浪推算模式進行圖形化使用者介面的建置,以提升模式的應用性。第三部分是配合目前港研中心的海象資料觀測系統來建立資料品質管制的方法,並實際應用在即時系統中進行資料的品管與修正。
The project aims to develop a system including data quality and data management of oceanographic measurements at Kaohsiung harbor observed by IHMT. Three major parts are included in this project. The first one is to analyze wave statistics of wave heights and wave periods of which the suitable distribution density and spectrum are also fitted. The second part is to propose a method of real time data quality for oceanographic measurements. Possible corrections on abnormal data should be made for data management. The third part is to develop a GUI system for easy operation by users.
官方說明文件#: MOTC-IOT-99-H2EB009
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99800


  1. RRPG9910-0404-2549695.pdf

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