Fisioterapie praktyk in die neonatale intensiewe sorgeenhede en neonatale hoësorgeenhede van die Suid-Afrikaanse staatsdiensektor

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Delport, Amanda
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University of the Free State
English: Introduction: Neonatal physiotherapy forms a vital part of the multi-disciplinary treatment in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and neonatal high care unit (NHCU). Neonatal physiotherapy consists of various areas of treatment including respiratory physiotherapy, musculoskeletal physiotherapy, neurological physiotherapy, neurodevelopmental care physiotherapy, and family and/or care-giver support and/or training. This study endeavoured to investigate the current practice in these various areas, as well as determining the role of physiotherapy in the NICU and NHCU. Methodology: This was a quantitative descriptive study. In this study information pertaining to neonatal physiotherapy practice was collected from the physiotherapists working in the public service sector of tertiary and secondary state hospitals with an NICE or NHCU. A questionnaire was used as research method for collecting this information. Results: The response rate of the study was 21.5%. Currently 80.4% of the participants work in an NICU and/or NHCU while 62.5% indicated that they were interested in working there. A total of 68.4% work only on referral from the doctor of who 100% of these treat neonates with respiratory problems, 58.3% with musculoskeletal problems, 66.7% with neurological problems, 41.7% for neurodevelopmental care and family and/or care-giver support and/or training are given. None of the participants use a standardised evaluting form or measure. Of the participants, 82.6% are interested in a post-graduate neonatal physiotherapy training programme, if one should be available. Conclusion: The main objective of this study was to determine the current practice of neonatal physiotherapy as used by all the physiotherapists working in the South African public service sector. The results indicate that the current practice does not quite agree with the literature available on this subject. There is also a need among the physiotherapists for more guidelines and training on this subject and possibly a post-graduate course that specifically focuses on this.
Afrikaans: Inleiding: Neonatale fisioterapie vorm ‘n belangrike deel van die multidissiplinêre behandeling in die neonatale intensiewe sorgeenheid (NISE) en neonatale hoёsorgeenheid (NHSE). Neonatale fisioterapie bestaan uit verskillende behandelingsareas insluitend respiratoriese fisioterapie, muskuloskeletale fisioterapie, neurologiese fisioterapie, neuro-ontwikkelingsorg fisioterapie en familie en/of versorger ondersteuning en/of opleiding. In hierdie studie gepoog om die huidige praktyk in hierdie verskillende areas te ondersoek en die rol van fisioterapeute in die NISE en NHSE te bepaal. Metodiek: Die studie-ontwerp gebruik was kwantitatief en beskrywend van aard. Met hierdie studie is inligting met betrekking tot neonatale fisioterapie praktyk ingesamel vanaf die fisioterapeute wat werksaam is in die staatsdienssektor van tersiêre en sekondêre staatshospitale met ‘n NISE en/of NHSE. ‘n Vraelys is as data-insamelingsmetode gebruik. Resultate: Die responssyfer vir die studie was 21.5%. Tans werk 80.4% van die deelnemers werk in ‘n NISE en/of NHSE terwyl 62.5% aangedui het dat hulle belangstel om daar te werk. ‘n Totaal van 68.4% werk slegs op verwysing vanaf die dokter waarvan 100% van hulle neonate behandel met respiratoriese probleme, 58.3% met muskuloskeletale probleme, 66.7% met neurologiese probleme, 41.7% vir neuro-ontwikkelingsorg en 13.9% familie en/of versorger ondersteuning en/of opleiding word gegee. Geen van die deelnemers gebruik ‘n gestandaardiseerde evaleringsvorm of maatstaaf nie. Van die deelnemers stel 82.6% belang in ‘n nagraadse neonatale fisioterapie opleidingsprogram, indien daar een beskikbaar sou wees. Gevolgtrekking: Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie studie was om die huidige praktyk van neonatale fisioterapie te bepaal soos gebruik deur al die fisioterapeute werksaam in die Suid-Afrikaanse staatsdienssektor. Die resultate dui daarop dat die huidige praktyk nie heeltemal ooreenstem met die bestaande literatuur oor hierdie onderwerp nie. Daar bestaan ook ‘n behoefte onder die fisioterapeute vir meer riglyne en opleiding oor hierdie onderwerp, en moontlik ‘n nagraadse kursus wat spesifiek hierop fokus.
Neonatal physiotherapy, Neonatal high care unit (NHCU), Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), Respiratory physiotherapy, Physiotherapy, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Physiotherapy))--University of the Free State, 2014