Physical model study of cross vanes and ice
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Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.)
In recent years, channel restoration and streambank stabilization projects have been turning towards “natural” methods, such as cross vanes and rock weirs. Successful applications help control bed and bank erosion, provide flow diversity, re-connect floodplains, and improve habitat for fish and wildlife. Currently little design guidance is available for constructing these structures on ice-affected rivers. This study used physical and numerical models to address the impact of ice runs on in-stream structures. A series of cross vane structures were tested, under conditions of an ice run, in a straight model flume with a moveable bed. Physical model results were then compared to numerical simulations using the state-of-the art DynaRICE ice-hydraulic model. Study results support existing design guidance for grade-control structures that recommends placing them in free-flowing sections of river rather than backwater reaches, which are naturally more prone to ice jamming. The two models produced very similar results in terms of hydraulic and ice passage processes and improved our understanding of the interaction of ice hydraulics on in-stream structures. This study fell short of replicating the physical model results in the numerical model. Further experiments and simulations are proposed to better simulate ice jam conditions in the physical model.