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On the performance of LEDA-SM


Crauser,  Andreas
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Mehlhorn,  Kurt
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Althaus,  Ernst
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Brengel,  Klaus
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Buchheit,  Thomas
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Keller,  Jörg
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Krone,  Henning
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Lambert,  Oliver
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Schulte,  Ralph
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Thiel,  Sven
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Westphal,  Mark
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Wirth,  Robert
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;

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Crauser, A., Mehlhorn, K., Althaus, E., Brengel, K., Buchheit, T., Keller, J., et al.(1998). On the performance of LEDA-SM (MPI-I-1998-1-028). Saarbrücken: Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik.

We report on the performance of a library prototype for external memory algorithms and data structures called LEDA-SM, where SM is an acronym for secondary memory. Our library is based on LEDA and intended to complement it for large data. We present performance results of our external memory library prototype and compare these results with corresponding results of LEDAs in-core algorithms in virtual memory. The results show that even if only a small main memory is used for the external memory algorithms, they always outperform their in-core counterpart. Furthermore we compare different implementations of external memory data structures and algorithms.