The use of online platforms is a central aspect of the digitalization of organizations. In that light, some authors have coined the term“platform economy” to describe today's organizational landscape. Besides the question how widespread the use of online platforms is, the question is how it relates to the human resource policies of organizations. This article investigates how the human resource policies of organizations - in terms of policies aimed at the development of human resources and innovation of human resource policies - relate to the use of online platforms (to offer goods and services and to collaborate with other organizations). Based on theoretical insights, two contrasting hypotheses are formulated, which are tested with data from 747 Dutch organizations. The analyses show that the use of online platforms is associated with policies aimed at the development of human capital and innovation of human resource policies.

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Mens en Maatschappij: tijdschrift voor sociale wetenschappen

Koster, F. (2018). Human resource management in the platform economy Personeelsbeleid in de platformeconomie. Mens en Maatschappij: tijdschrift voor sociale wetenschappen (Vol. 93, pp. 283–305). doi:10.5117/MEM2018.3.005.KOST