This book presents a psychoanalysis of technoscience. Basic concepts and methods developed by Freud, Jung, Bachelard and Lacan are applied to case histories (palaeoanthropology, classical conditioning, virology). Rather than by disinterested curiosity, technoscience is driven by desire, resistance and the will to control. Moreover, psychoanalysis focusses on primal scenes (Dubois' quest for the missing link, Pavlov's discovery of the conditioned reflex) and opts for triangulation: comparing technoscience to "different scenes" provided by novels, so that Dubois's work is compared to missing link novels by Verne and London and Pavlov's experiments with Skinner's Walden Two, while virology is studied through the lens of viral fiction.
Philosophy and Psychology in Dialogue = Philosophie und Psychologie im Dialog
Erasmus School of Philosophy

Zwart, H. (2019). Psychoanalysis of technoscience. Philosophy and Psychology in Dialogue = Philosophie und Psychologie im Dialog. Retrieved from