In this thesis we tried to find answers to a number of clinically relevant questions concerning the care of critically ill children within district general hospitals. By obtaining data and characteristics of this group of patients, the organisation and level of care within IS district general hospitals in the Southwest part of the Netherlands was assessed. Similarly. the process of regionalisation of this specific aspect of paediatric care was further delineated. The findings will, most likely, help policy makers in their decisions concerning the development of the necessary paediatric transports in the region, as well as sufficient number of PICU beds, personnel and resources. The ultimate goal is that. when implemented. a high quality level of care for all children entering the medical system at any emergency site in the region is assured.

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H.A. Büller (Hans)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

van der Lely, N. (2002, June 12). Emergency care for critically ill children in district general hospitals : a study in district general hospitals in the southwest part of The Netherlands. Retrieved from