
Principios y aplicaciones prácticas del estudio urodinámico en pediatría (Principles and practices in pediatric urodynamics)

Issue Date: 31-Dec-2005
Publisher: Corporación Editora Médica del Valle
Citation: Revista Colombia Médica (ISSN: 1657-9534) Vol 36 Num 4s3
Abstract (summary): There are different ways to evaluate patients with frequent urinary tract infection or symptoms of bladder dysfunction such as urinary incontinence or urinary retention. These studies include radiological evaluation with renal ultrasound, voiding cystourethrography and urodynamic study. These studies complement each other and they have different indications according to the clinical situation of each patient. The urodynamic study is a relative new procedure which is becoming in frequent use in the nephrourologic clinical practice. For this reason it is important for the general practitioner and specialist ( urologists, nephrologists, pediatricians) to know the general concept and clinical indications of this technique as well as being able to make a rational use of this procedure and to select the patients who will receive benefits from it in detected dysfunctional voiding.
Other Identifiers: http://www.bioline.org.br/abstract?id=rc05079
Content Type: Article


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