Designing an Online Mathematics Resource


Students are much more mobile than mathematics curricula allow. A motivated student, when changing schools or even while attending a British Columbia (BC) school, could use a well-planned online mathematics resource to prepare themselves for a course placement evaluation that suits their university plans. An effective online resource for BC would include references to not only the specific curriculum skills, but also the BC curriculum big ideas, the core competencies, and the curricular competencies (BC’s Course Curriculum, n.d.). It would incorporate Indigenous ways of knowing and be focused on inquiry-based learning and authentic real-life applications of knowledge. A constructivist approach including some persuasive pedagogy would be suitable for a static resource. Videos, quizzing apps and tasks, and real data and/or articles using math are readily available. Although there are many online resources accessible, high school students need guidance on what concepts and skills they need to learn while ensuring their privacy is not compromised as it could be by many of the online resources hosted in areas of the world which do not have the strict laws BC has. An asynchronous self-directed resource requires automated feedback, motivational elements such as gamification, and the opportunity for self-regulation and exploration of self-chosen topics of interest. Self-assessment and the development of a portfolio of work to show evidence of learning will be used instead of assigning a numerical percentage or level to the work completed.



mathematics, inquiry, real-life, open, online, asynchronous, self-assessment, self-directed
