The design of mixed-use virtual auditory displays: Recent findings with a dual-task paradigm

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McClimens, B.
Stroup, J. L.
Ballas, J. A.
Brock, D.
Brazil, Eoin
Associated Organization(s)
Organizational Unit
Supplementary to
In the third of an ongoing series of exploratory sound information display studies, we augmented a dual task with a mixed-use auditory display designed to provide relevant alert information for each task. The tasks entail a continuous tracking activity and a series of intermittent classification decisions that, in the present study, were presented on separate monitors that were roughly 90$\,^{\circ}$ apart. Using a 2-by-3 design that manipulated both the use of sound in each task and where sounds for the decision task were positioned, the following principal questions were addressed: Can tracking performance be improved with a varying auditory alert tied to error? To what degree do listeners use virtual auditory deixis as a cue for improving decision reaction times? Can a previous finding involving participants' use of sound offsets (cessations) be repeated? And, last, are there performance consequences when auditory displays for separate tasks are combined? Respectively, we found that: Tracking performance as measured by RMS error was not improved and was apparently negatively affected by the use of our auditory design. Listener's use of even limited virtual auditory deixis is robust, but it is probably also sensitive to the degree it is coincident with the location of corresponding visual stimuli in the task environment. On the basis of manually collected head movement data, listeners do make opportunistic use of sound offsets. And, finally, a significant interaction, as measured by average participant reaction time, was observed between the auditory display used for one task and the manipulation of the degree of auditory deixis encoded in the auditory display used for the other task in our paradigm.
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