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El Turisme Gai a Sitges - TFG:1163

Student:Úbeda Fortuny, Glòria
Title in original language:El Turisme Gai a Sitges
Title in different languages:Gay Tourism in Sitges
Keywords:Tourism, gay, homosexual, Sitges
Subject:Turisme i oci
Abstract:Since the seventies, gay collective have lived and historic moment with its liberation, with the recognition of homosexuality as an identity. From that moment on, homosexual segment arise in the market, dividing the market in order to be available of giving a better answer to their specific needs. In addition making visible the high interest for its big potential in that market. Regarding the tourism segment, it represents a big opportunity in the market due to the given profile, like high spending money in their vacations. On the other hand it needs to be highlighted that according to Monner (2007) this segment has differentiated needs and characteristics when travelling. In the last years it has experimented a big increase, and nowadays its specific market is offering many touristic products and services for gay tourists. Sitges is located in the central Mediterranean coast of Catalonia, and represents one of the main destinations at National and also European scale for gay tourism for its sun and gay beaches. This tourism is what pushes the economic revenue of the town. The relationship between Sitges and homosexuality is not so recent, but in the present the destination is showing kind of specialization inside its touristic supply though this segment. The main objective of the current project refers to the study of this specific type of tourism in the town of Sitges. Let to know the behaviour of the gay tourist and also know which are the motivational factors as well as its satisfaction degree. Moreover a study analysing the supply has been performed in order to evaluate if this specific supply fits into tourist needs, and at the same time the comparison between other competitors supply has been done. Tourist promotion from local public administrations has been also analysed with the aim to get to know if they are key in this touristic activity development.
Project director:Muiños Villaverde, M. Jesus
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2017-02-06
Work's public defense date:2014-09-05
Academic year:2013-2014
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