Parallel Mode Differential Phase Contrast in Transmission Electron Microscopy, II: K2CuF4 Phase Transition

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- Journal Article
In Part I of this diptych, we outlined the theory and an analysis methodology for quantitative phase recovery from real-space distortions of Fresnel images acquired in the parallel mode of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In that work, the properties of the method, termed TEM-differential phase contrast (TEM-DPC), were highlighted through the use of simulated data. In this work, we explore the use of the TEM-DPC technique with experimental cryo-TEM images of a thin lamella of a low-temperature two-dimensional (2D) ferro-magnetic material, K2CuF4, to perform two tasks. First, using images recorded below the ordering temperature, we compare the TEM-DPC method with the transport of intensity one for phase recovery and discuss the relative advantages the former has for experimental data. Second, by tracking the induction of the sample as it is driven through a phase transition by heating, we extract estimates for the critical temperature and critical exponent of the order parameter. The value of the latter is consistent with the 2D XY class, raising the prospect that a Kosterlitz-Thoules transition may have occurred. Show more
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Journal / series
Microscopy and MicroanalysisVolume
Pages / Article No.
Cambridge University PressSubject
2D ferromagnetism; differential phase contrast; image distortion; Fresnel; transmission electron microscopyRelated publications and datasets
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