A Comprehensive Model for Underserved Victims of Violent Crime: Trauma Recovery Centers



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Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA)


Violent crime victimization can impact multiple areas of victims’ lives. Victims who are underserved or marginalized face unique individual, societal, and cultural hurdles that impact help-seeking. Models of service delivery that provide a single point of contact and comprehensive, evidence-based services hold promise to serve victims whose needs extend beyond traditional services. Comprehensive trauma recovery center (TRC) models have been shown to lead to positive survivor outcomes. TRC model expansion should be explored to assess how they might complement existing services and reach underserved individuals and groups. (Author Abstract)



Synthesis, Service Delivery, Victim Services, Barriers to Service, Underserved Populations, Historically Marginalized, Marginalized Populations, System Navigator, Victim Advocates, Trauma Recovery Centers, Wrap Around, Wrap-around, Survivors, Victims, People Harmed by Violence, Survivors of Trauma, Outreach, Compensation, Evidence-based Practices, Promising Programs, Help Seeking, Violent Victimization, Social Support, Systematic Barriers, Victim Assistance, Culturally Relevant, Survivors of Harm, Informal Support, Victim Blaming


Houston-Kolnik, Jaclyn. (2017). A Comprehensive Model for Underserved Victims of Violent Crime: Trauma Recovery Centers. Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.