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Título: A contrario 3D point alignment detection algorithm
Autor: Gómez, Álvaro
Randall, Gregory
Grompone von Gioi, Rafael
Tipo: Artículo
Palabras clave: Point alignment detection, 3D point alignments, A contrario method, Gestalt theory
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Resumen: In this article we present an algorithm for the detection of perceptually relevant alignments in 3D point clouds. The algorithm is an extension of the algorithm developed by Lezama et al. [J. Lezama, J-M. Morel, G. Randall, R. Grompone von Gioi, A Contrario 2D Point Alignment Detection, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 37 (3), pp. 499- 512, 2015] for the case of sets of 2D points. The algorithm is based on the a contrario detection theory that mathematically formalizes the non-accidentalness principle proposed for perception: an observed structure is relevant if it rarely occurs by chance. This framework has been widely used in different detection tasks and leads to algorithms with a single critical parameter to control the number of false detections.
EN: IPOL Journal - Image Processing On Line, 2017, vol. 7, pp. 399–417
Citación: Gómez, Á, Randall, G y Grompone von Gioi, R. "A contrario 3D point alignment detection algorithm". IPOL Journal - Image Processing On Line. [en línea] 2017 2017, vol. 7, pp. 399–417.
ISSN: 2105–1232
Departamento académico: Procesamiento de Señales
Grupo de investigación: Tratamiento de Imágenes
Aparece en las colecciones: Publicaciones académicas y científicas - Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica

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