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EAI·JoongAng Daily Government Evaluation Survey : 1 Year Following Inauguration


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Principal Investigator(s)

Lim, Hyun-Chin / Department of Sociology, Seoul National University


East Asia Institute


The「EAI-JoongAng Daily Government Evaluation Survey」is a public opinion survey on the overall governance of the Roh government conducted three times during the first year following the inauguration of President Roh Moo-Hyun by the East Asia Institute and JoongAng Daily. The survey was conducted at the point of President Roh Moo-Hyun’s inauguration, 6 months after, and 1 year after the inauguration, and this data was collected 1 year after the inauguration. The questionnaire was designed to examine points of improvement for the remaining presidential term of President Roh Moo-Hyun and includes questions on the evaluation of the president’s policy on reunification, security, economy, labor, North Korea relations, independent prosecution, and media.

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File Type File Name File Description File Format File Size Download
Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20040016.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 189.99 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_20040016.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 382.17 kB Download
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Measured since the release date of the current version data.
If the data were released before May 11, 2017, it was measured since May 11, 2017.