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Survey on the Reform of the Civil Service Pension System, 2007 : Civil Servants


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Principal Investigator(s)

Suh, Won-Seok / Korea Institute of Public Administration


Following the 2007 reform of the National Pension Service (NPS) the demand for reforming the Civil Service Pension System (CSPS) is also on the rise. The reform of the CSPS is a key personnel administration issue that may influence the morale and work of current civil servants. Unlike other studies on the CSPS that focused on resolving financial problems, the「Study on the Reform Measures for the Korean Civil Service Pension System」was conducted to provide policy alternatives by identifying the elements for consideration in the aspect of personnel administration in the case of carrying out reform measures. The「Survey on the Reform of the Civil Service Pension System」was conducted among civil servants and the general public to collect basic data to be utilized in the above mentioned study, and this data was collected from civil servants.
The questionnaire of this survey includes questions on working conditions of civil servants, expansion of government’s role, effectiveness of the CSPS, need for reforming the CSPS, reform direction of the CSPS, benefit level of pension, take-up rate, rate of government expenditures, guarantee of incumbent civil servants’ vested rights, period of service required to receive pension, alleviation of restrictions on civil servants due to status, connection of CSPS and NPS, extension of retirement age, pension payment ceiling, pension payment reduction system in the event of earning income following retirement, and process of collecting public opinion in reforming the CSPS.

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「공무원연금 개혁에 관한 조사」는 공무원(A1-2007-0070)과 일반국민(A1-2007-0071)이 동시에 수행되었다.

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Related Documents-Questionnaire(Korean) kor_que_20070070.pdf 설문지 (한글) PDF 366.28 kB Download
Related Documents-Codebook(Korean) kor_codebook_20070070.pdf 코드북 (한글) PDF 136.16 kB Download
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