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Project Echo: 960-Megacycle, 10-Kilowatt TransmitterA 10-kw transmitter operating at 960 to 961 Mc was used at the eastern terminus of the Project Echo communications experiment. This transmitter is located on Crawford's Hill near Holmdel, New Jersey. The 10-kw output feeds into a waveguide line leading to a 60-foot dish antenna. Exciter-driver units are available to drive the power amplifier with various modulations, such as wide-deviation FM, low-index phase modulation, single-sideband or double-sideband modulation with or without carrier, 960.05 or 961.05 Mc constant-frequency CW, and radar on-off pulses at 961.05 Mc. The main output amplifier consists primarily of a four-stage, externally-tuned-cavity, water-cooled klystron, operating at a beam voltage of 16 to 18 kv. The transmitter has been operated during many Moonbounce, tropospheric scatter, and Echo I tests with very satisfactory results. This paper describes its use before March 1, 1961.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - NASA Technical Note (TN)
Schafer, J. P.
(Bell Telephone Labs., Inc. Holmdel, NJ United States)
Brandt, R. H.
(Bell Telephone Labs., Inc. Holmdel, NJ United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
October 1, 1961
Subject Category
Communications And Radar
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NASA-TN-D-1129
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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