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Magnetic Fluctuations in the Jovian MagnetosphereThe engine that drives the jovian magnetosphere is the mass added to the Io ion torus, accelerated to corotational velocities by field-aligned currents that couple the Io torus to the jovian ionosphere. The mass of the torus builds up to an amount that the magnetic forces cannot contain and the plasma, first slowly and then more rapidly, drifts outward. Numerous authors have treated this problem based first on the observations of the Pioneer 10 and 11 flybys; then on Voyager 1 and 2, and Ulysses; and finally most recently the Galileo orbiter. The initial observations revealed the now familiar magnetodisk, in which the field above and below the magnetic equator became quite radial in orientation and much less dipolar. The Galileo observations show this transformation to occur on average at 24 R(sub J) and to often be quite abrupt. These observations are consistent with outward transport of magnetized plasma that moves ever faster radially until about 50 R(sub J) on the nightside where the field lines stretch to the breaking point, reconnection occurs, and plasma and field islands are transported down the tail ultimately removing the mass from the magnetosphere that Io had deposited deep in the inner torus. The reconnection process creates empty flux tubes connected to Jupiter that are buoyant and thought to float inward and replace the flux carried out with the torus plasma. As described above, the jovian magnetosphere could very well be in a state of steady laminar circulation, but indeed it is not. The process is very unsteady and the wave levels can be very intense. The existence of these waves in turn can lead to processes that compete with the radial circulation pattern in removing plasma from the system. These waves can scatter particles so that they precipitate into the ionosphere. This process should be important in the Io torus where the atmospheric loss cone is relatively large and becomes less important as the loss cone decreases in size with radial distance. However, the Io torus is relatively quiet compared to the region outside the torus and it is not obvious without studying this scattering carefully whether the loss in the torus or out of the torus is greater and whether it can act rapidly enough to compete with the radial transport of ions to the tail in the life cycle of the mass added at Io. Closer to Io the ion cyclotron waves are most intense and possibly are associated with the losses in the Io flux tube. The waves are also diagnostic of both the Io atmospheric composition and the size and strength of the massloading process.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Contractor or Grantee Report
Russell, Christopher T.
(California Univ. Los Angeles, CA United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2002
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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