Greenhouse Gas Verification - Why, How and How Much?: proceedings of a workshop Bonn, April 28-29, 1994

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Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Zentralbibliothek, Verlag Jülich
ISBN: 3-89336-139-1

Jülich : Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Zentralbibliothek, Verlag, Konferenzen des Forschungszentrums Jülich 14, 192 S. ()

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Abstract: In recent years International efforts directed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in order to mitigate possible ciimate change have proceeded apace. In 1992, at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio, more than one hundred and fifty states, including the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom, signed the Framework Convention on Climate Change. By mid 1994 the Convention came into force after being ratified by more than flfty states and in March 1995 the first Conference of the States Parties to the agreement will be held in Berlin. A central element of the negotlatlons on the Conventlon, before and after Rio, has been the extent of the commitments undertaken by states to limit emissions, and how to verify of compliance with such commitments. In 1991 the Technology Assessment Group of the Research Center of Jülich (KFA-TFF) organlsed a workshop in Bad Neuenahr an verification issues entitled "Verification of Compffance with Obligations incurred within a Greenhouse Gas Convention"*, The aim of the workshop was to theoretfcally analyse verification needs, verification capacity and verification suitabifity in a, greenhouse gas regime, especiaily using a top down approach. Since 1991, many proposäls and measures have been deveioped by the INC, 1PCC and OECD for the practical implementation of the Climate Convention, particularly concerning the reporting and review processes needed to assess compliance with obligations undertaken by industrialised countries. In Fight of this work it seemed appropriate, bearing in mind the top down approach considered in Bad Neuenahr, to try to reach more general conclusions based on current national and international experlence, with particular regard to greenhouse gas inventory compilation and the application of a bottom up approach. To this end, experts from different countries were invited to this workshop in Bonn to relate their views and experiences of problems concerning "Greenhouse Gas Verification: why, how and how mach".

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  1. Publikationen vor 2000 (PRE-2000)
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  1. 899 - ohne Topic (POF3-899) (POF3-899)

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