
The Chinese version of Cuban fiction "Protector".

Included in this item (6)


  • Protector 保護者; A Short Story
Date Created
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    Locally defined identifier
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  • 短篇小說概要: 一個父親在田野上,和一群孩子,他們准備著秋天的豐收。孩子們看著強壯的父親,然而正在他們准備要走的時候,一個小偷來襲擊他們,孩子們都緊緊的貼著父親,看守人一直保護著孩子們,最後在父親的努力下小偷走了,父親告訴孩子們“有我在誰也不能欺負你們”。
  • Story Summary: This is a story about a father protecting his children. One day, while a farmer and his children are gathering crops, a thief suddenly appears, intending to kill them all. However, the father bravely protects his children until the thief runs away. The father tells his children that he will protect them from anyone who tries to harm them.
  • 版本介紹:此作品有不同的版本,因爲可能是一個作者翻譯了同一部小說,隨著作者語言能力(西班牙語)的提高,他/她 對作品做了編輯,並且精准了自己的用詞用句。
  • Explanation of different versions: The person who translated this story into Chinese also edited the translation, and went through several revisions of it until he/she was satisfied with the quality of the translation. The progress which the translator made throughout the revision process is impressive, and he/she clearly made a great effort to understand and convey the nuances of the original Spanish.

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