UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Decline and growth in great Canadian cities : an analysis of changing population distribution in the Greater Toronto region from 1991-2001 Tinney, Jonathan


The macro-growth of Canada's cities has been well documented in the media and in scholarly journals in recent years. What has not been discussed to the same degree however, is the pattern that emerges across individual regions when growth is mapped at a smaller scale. By looking at population and density changes at the micro-scale, this analysis looks to capture the distribution of population change that occurred within the borders of Canada's largest metropolitan region over the 1990s. Through the use of census tract-level data for the Toronto CMA collected by Statistics Canada during the years 1991 and 2001 this analysis looks to provide a detailed snapshot of the geography of population changes in the Greater Toronto Area during the 1990s, and document changes in the overall form of Toronto's urban structure. The findings of this report show that urban development has tended toward increasing levels of diffusion and decentralization. This poses a number of distinct challenges to regional planning in the region, most notably in terms of the implementation of the Ontario government's Places to Grow plan for the greater Golden Horseshoe Area.

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