UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Vacuum deposited optical phase filters Graf, Stephen


The advantages of an optical spatial phase filter constructed by thickness variations are put forward and a method of fabricating such a device using vacuum deposition techniques is detailed. The design and construction of a vacuum system to produce such a device is outlined. The system comprises a vacuum chamber with a source holder for zinc sulfide, an electronically controlled shutter, an aperture, and a substrate and holder mounted on an x-y motion table driven by stepper motors. The system is controlled by a minicomputer and measurements of thickness are made by an ellipsometer controlled by the minicomputer. Experiments conducted with the system determine the spatial resolution and closed loop control capabilities to be adequate. An analysis of the results of the tests concludes that with further refinements it seems feasible to fabricate spatial phase filters by using vacuum deposition techniques.

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