UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Commercial Drive : lessons in video as product, sustainable urban form, convivial consumption, and neighbourhood identity Beresky, Samuel Adams


Through a single experimental and exploratory case study on the Commercial Drive neighbourhood retail district, using principles of basic, applied, formative, and action research, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, the elements, history, context, and threats to a successful neighbourhood retail district, and its role in sustainable planning have all been explored in an innovative 33 minute advocacy documentary titled "Neighbourhood Identity: The Stories of Commercial Drive". The movie covers the neighbourhood context and history as well as highlighting the issues the district is currently facing. This paper, "Commercial Drive: Lessons in Video as Product, Sustainable Urban Form, Convivial Consumption, and Neighbourhood Identity" is meant as a supplementary document to the movie and covers the research problem, questions, methodology, methods, context, and findings of the thesis and movie.

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