UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

An aid in the rehabilitation of mental hospital patients : a study of women discharged on leave to the "Vista" Rehabilitation Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia Birch, Sophie


This study is concerned with the contribution of "Vista" rehabilitation centre toward the re-establishment of women mental patients. "Vista" centre le an auxiliary service of the Provincial Mental Hospital and Grease Clinic of Psychological Medicine at Essondale, B.C., and was originated to meet the need of particular women patients who are ready to leave the hospital but who have no resources of family, friends, or finances to see them through the initial period after discharge when employment is sought and accommodation secured. Material used was secured from the unit files of women patients at the Provincial Mental Hospital and the Crease Clinic, one year [fiscal 1950-51] being chosen for case reading. By means of a schedule composite indications were derived from entries by the psychiatrists, social workers, nurses, psychologists, laboratory technicians and the supervisor. The patients studied were divided into groups according to the reasons for which they were admitted to the centre: Group I, lack of family resources; Group II, patient rejected by family; Group III, return to family inadvisable; Group IV, a bridge between hospital and home required; Group V, referral for visit and observation. Samples from each group are examined to illustrate the services of "Vista" and the capacity of the patients to benefit from the assistance offered. "Vista" is able to accommodate only limited numbers and for a limited period, and is not equipped to offer varied degrees, or varied lengths, of supervision that the many patients who are ready for discharge may require. "Vista" served very successfully as a bridge between the hospital, and the community those patients who were ready to take employment, to become settled in living quarters by themselves, or return to their families after a brief sojourn at "Vista." But the sample oases show that other aids such as foster homes for mental patients need to be considered for the individuals for whom further hospitalization is not necessary, but for whom an indefinite placement in a protected environment under supervision appropriate to the particular stage of their recovery is indicated.

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