BIRS Workshop Lecture Videos

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BIRS Workshop Lecture Videos

Unknotted gropes and Whitney towers in 4-space Kim, Taehee


Gropes and Whitney towers are primary tools for studying 4-dimensional topology. As an effort to understand gropes and Whitney towers via the structure of their complements, we introduce notions of unknotted gropes/Whitney towers in 4-space. This is motivated by Freeman's result that an embedded 2-sphere in 4-space is topologically unknotted if its complement has infinite cyclic fundamental group. As an application, we establish grope and Whitney tower bi-filtrations of knots in 3-space by taking a slice of unknotted gropes/Whitney towers. Using the amenable signature theorem by Cha, which is based on the work of Cha and Orr, we prove that these bi-filtrations have rich structures. This is joint work with Jae Choon Cha.

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