UBC Undergraduate Research

Let’s Get Physical : Investigative Research on Women’s motivation for Physical Activity Cristina, Trejo; Littlefair, Jane; Porras, Rayla; Greene, Serina Spain; Lu, Rui


The basis of the research was founded upon with relevance to this main question: What are the main features, besides time and cost that would encourage more participation from UBC female students in physical activity programmes or events at UBC? To guide the research, three specific hypotheses were assessed in regards to this research question by looking at differences between two conditions: those who currently participate in UBC recreation activities and those who are not. Firstly, analysis of differences in perception towards UBC Recreation was done. Secondly, factors that motivate students to get involved and to stay involved were assessed. Thirdly, possible changes that UBC recreation could make in order to enhance appeal were more specifically derived. According to the results, there was significance pertaining to the difference between the boring/fun measures of perception. In regards to initial involvement, health was a determining factor and in regards to continuity of involvement, body goal achievement and the creation of a socially conducive environment were determining factors of this measure. As for areas in need of enhancement, the change that was most requested was increasing activities offered followed by improvements of facilities. Finally, the study’s limitations along with recommendations for future studies are discussed. Disclaimer: “UBC SEEDS provides students with the opportunity to share the findings of their studies, as well as their opinions, conclusions and recommendations with the UBC community. The reader should bear in mind that this is a student project/report and is not an official document of UBC. Furthermore readers should bear in mind that these reports may not reflect the current status of activities at UBC. We urge you to contact the research persons mentioned in a report or the SEEDS Coordinator about the current status of the subject matter of a project/report.”

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