British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium

An assessment of species-based, structural, and functional diversity at the Teck Highland Valley Copper Partnership mine Smyth, Clint R.; Melaschenko, Natalie Christina; Iverson, Melissa Ann; Anderson, Jeff; Dickson, Jaimie; Doucette, R.; Straker, Justin


Mining companies in Canada, through corporate initiatives and their membership in the Mining Association of Canada, have implemented biodiversity conservation management programs. A valuable tool in assessing the success of these programs is the calculation of biodiversity indices. Biodiversity indices, when calculated alongside summary statistics of vegetation cover and plant-traits, provide useful descriptions of ecosystem composition, structure, and function. Biodiversity indices were calculated for two separate databases at the Teck Highland Valley Copper Partnership (HVC) mine in south-central British Columbia. The two mine-site datasets analyzed included plot data collected for an ongoing reclamation-monitoring program and plot data from a Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) program. Both datasets contain data from forest harvesting and mining disturbances while only the TEM program dataset contains undisturbed or “naturally” disturbed (i.e., wildfire and insect infestation) ecosystem data. Comparisons of biodiversity indices between on-site and off-site plots in both datasets revealed information on ecosystem structure and function useful for reclamation planning and monitoring as well as in the assessment of ecosystem services.

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