UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Psycho-social wellbeing and its relationship with prosthetic maintenance in patients with 1 and 2 implant overdentures. A 5-year follow-up Alfallaj, Hayam A.


Aim: To study the effect of implant overdenture maintenance events on psychosocial outcomes using existing Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-49) measures, and to assess the association between VAS overall satisfaction and OHIP scores. Materials and methods: The data for this study were obtained from the charts of 86 edentulous patients who began implant overdenture treatment in a randomized clinical trial at the University of British Colombia between 2003 and 2006, and were followed for 5 years. Participants had been randomly assigned to receive either one or two implants to retain their mandibular dentures. Each participant had completed two patient-based outcome questionnaires at baseline before implant treatment, two months, one, three and five years after treatment. The questionnaires were the OHIP-49 and VAS assessing the following denture related variables for mandibular and maxillary dentures separately (pain, comfort, appearance, function, stability, speech, hygiene, and overall satisfaction). All maintenance events related to implants, attachments and overdentures bases were recorded. Results: After 5 years, completed data were available for 62 participants. No significant differences in the mean value of VAS scores for all mandibular denture outcome variables and OHIP-49 scores between participants who received one and two implants allowed for pooling of all the participant data into one group to study the effects of mandibular overdenture maintenance on patient-based outcomes without specifying the number of implants they had received. Participants were divided into three maintenance groups, low, medium and high, based on the number of maintenance events they experienced during the five years. No significant differences were found in the 5-year VAS scores or in total OHIP-49 scores between the three groups of patients (ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis, p>.05). Except for the one year time point, there was a significant association at the baseline, 2 months and 5 years between the VAS overall satisfaction and total OHIP-49 scores. Conclusions: The number of maintenance events did not tend to affect patient-based outcomes. The lack of significant correlation between VAS overall satisfaction and OHIP-49 cores at the one-year interval suggests that these two questionnaires are not necessarily measuring the same outcomes.

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